New edited volume on Western European constitutional courts published by Routledge

A new edited volume by the JUDICON-EU project with chapters on Western European constitutional courts has been published by Routledge. (LINK)

The volume is a response to recent confrontations between constitutional courts and parliamentary majorities in several European countries, which have sparked interest in the relationship between the judiciary and the legislature. The volume examines the extent to which the alleged concentration of power on the side of the courts may have limited the scope of action of the dominant political actors. In order to explore the diversity and measure the strength of judicial decisions, the authors of this work have developed a methodology that provides a more nuanced picture of the practice of constitutional adjudication in Western Europe.

The work begins with an assessment of the existing literature on the empirical analysis of judicial decisions, with a particular focus on Western Europe, and a brief summary of the project's methodology. This is followed by 11 country studies and a concluding chapter with a comprehensive comparative analysis of the results.

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